Movie Quotes: Labor Pains

Landlord: Good morning, Thea!
Thea: Oh, hi!
Landlord: Ah, this little thing called rent, 
ah ringin' any bells?
Thea: Oh, Monday, I'll give it to you Monday. 
You have my word.
Landlord:  Oh, could you put your word 
on an actual cheque sometime?

You have to remember 
every mistake you make 
impacts history.
- Jerry

All right, bye. 
Don't call me if you need me.
- Thea

You are one sandwich I have a picnic, you know that?
You're crazy, what are you thinking?
- Emma

Well, there are no hard on fast rules

you should've to go with your gut.
- Suzi

Lisa: Ugh, looks like someone
s had died in here.
Thea: It did, my soul.
Lisa: Thea, you've got to give yourself a tiny break. People make mistakes.
Thea: I majorly screwed up.
Lisa: Well, look on the bright side.

Because love is a leap of faith.. 

and sometimes you just have to jump.
Don't you?
- Nick

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