Movie Quotes: Bridal Fever

Sooner or later you are gonna have 
to keep it toe back into the dating form. 
Mr. Right is not gonna materialize 
on front of your door.
- Sandra

My policy in life is the same as work:
"Only start something you know you can finish."
If a man is afraid of commitment, I walk away.
When you're as fabulous as I am darlings, 
you don't have time to waste.
- Sandra

There is no reason a girl like you should be single.
- Dahlia

If you can see it, you can manifest it.
- Dahlia

Don't wait, and let him go away.
- Sandra

You know me.
Slow to start, quick to finish.
- Dahlia

Everything in life is compromise.
- Mark

You're the editor.
You know words.
Fine is not a good word.
- Sandra

Goodbyes are funny things.
It could ruin your day.. 
your whole life.
- Sam

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