Movie Quotes: Teen Spirit

Don't be fooled
a queen isn't really a queen
until she gets her crown.
Supervisor J-3

As you can see

when popular's and unpopular's collide
it's not pretty.
Nevertheless, it's sometimes inevitable.
Fate, as it were.

But I'm getting ahead of myself

easy to do when you're on missions
So I'll just let her tale unfold and say no more.
Not another word. Absolutely finish now.
Supervisor J-3

Lisa: It's just doesn't makes sense. Why would I wanna help you?

Amber: Because I'm the only one that can help you.
Don't you see, I can make you popular.
Lisa: I don't wanna be popular.
Amber: Oh, poor thing. Everyone wants to be popular.

Lisa: It's Lisa.

Amber: Well, if you're popular people can know that.
Lisa: My friends know my name.
Amber: Well, ah, two of them.
Lisa: Three.
Amber: Ok, mouth-sy b*tch.
If you wanna be popular 
what exactly do you want?
Lisa: I wanna get out of here.
I wanna go to music school.
I wanna live in a world 
when they won't judge you 
by how many people wanna sit with you at lunch.

Amber: I want a new person.

This one's impossible.
She's stubborn, doesn't listen to reason
and she only takes cares 'bout what she wants. I hate her!
Supervisor J-3: Why, too much like yourself?
Amber: I offered her the greatest gift of High School.
Complete popularity and she tells me to go to hell.

Supervisor J-3: Amber, dear sweet child

sometimes we can't accomplish a test
simply by brawl-beating the weak.
Amber: Why not?
Supervisor J-3: Often, and I know this is a radical notion for you
we must actually think of the other person.
Amber: But that sounds really hard.
Supervisor J-3: Very well done 
we won't put you through anymore of this.

Selena: Are you sure, you're okay? 

'Cause earlier things got a little, you know.
Lisa: Of course, I'm better than okay.

Amber: Do you want to be an unpopular 

or none any for the rest of your life.
Lisa: Yes, I'm good at it.
Amber: This is about confidence.
Nobody actually has it you just have to project it.

Lisa: I thought being popular would make everything better but it didn't. 

You know what else I found out?
Bein' popular doesn't mean everybody likes you
Colin: This is dangerous 
she's tampering with the fundamental dynamics 
of a high school universe.

Amber: Listen, I think you're a great person

and I want you to have a great life.
And I was tellin' you the truth
a little confidence doesn't hurt.
Not don't become an Amber
but you know...
Lisa: Some more in the middle.
Amber: Yah.

And so for one brief shining moment

the high school universe was up ended
and the least of them became best of them
and for the rest of the evening 
the walls came down.
Supervisor J-3

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