Movie Quote: The Book Thief

One small fact, you are going to die.
Despite every effort, no one myths forever.
Sorry for being such a spoiler.
My advice is, when the time comes, then panic.
It doesn't seem to help.
- Hans, (Narrator)

I'll speak as loud as I want.

- Rosa

Rudy: You remember how to get home?

Lizel: Just because I can't read, 
doesn't mean I'm stupid.
Rudy: A'right. I'll follow you then.

Rudy: I thought you've painted signs, not scrape them off.

Jessie: Well, to scraping off business is picking up, Rudy.
What can you do?
Lizel: Ac..countant.
Jessie: You make me proud girl. She's clever, Rudy.
Rudy: Yes, ah.. What's an accountant?
Jessie: Something we will never need.

A person is only as good as their word, Lizel.

Do I have yours?
- Hans

Lizel: The soup is terrible, isn't it?

Max: You may find this hard to believe,
but it's the best thing I've ever thrown up.

Max: Memory is the scribe of the soul.

Do you know who said that?
Lizel: ...
Max: A man called Aristotle.

..that's the only difference between us and the lamp of clay, a word.

Words are life, Lizel.
All those blank pages, there for you to fill.
- Max

While ten thousand souls hid their heads in fear and tremble

one Jew thank God for the stars that blessed his eyes.
- Narrator

Lizel: He don't understand. What did he do so wrong?

Max: He reminded people of their humanity.
Lizel: Can't he apologize?
Max: To who? Hitler?

I miss my dad.

I don't even know if he's alive.
I'm not ready.
I want to grow up, before I die.
- Rudy

All I have learned is that life makes no promises.

- Lizel

In my job, I'm always finding humans of their best and their worst.

I see their ugliness and their beauty and I wonder 
how the same thing can be both.
- Narrator

I have seen a great many things.

I've attended all the worlds worst disasters.
And work for the greatest of villains.
And I've seen the greatest wonders.
But it's still like I said it was,
no one lives forever...

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