Movie Quote: God's Not Dead

Ah.. guess when you say 'you',
you're referring to the whole group of my family,
which should be 'y'all'.
You just changed it to y'all, that'd be easier, expression.
And I don't wanna get everybody in there.
- Willie

Amy: So, so this isn't an act.
You're actually, proud of what you do?
Willie: 'Course, I am.
Why would I do it if I'm not proud of it?
Amy: And you go along with whatever thing he says?
Korie: We've been married for 20 years,
I don't go along with everything he says,
but on the things that matter.
Yah, I agree whole heartedly.
Amy: So what do you say to people who are offended
by your show not just because of the hunting
but because you openly pray to Jesus, in every episode?
Willie: 'Ey, were not tryin' to offend anybody, a'right.
If they don't wanna watch the show they can turn their channel.
As far as I'm prayin' to Jesus
my life and my whole eternity belongs to God.
All these stuff is temporary.
The money, fame, success -- temporary.
Even life is temporary. Jesus, that's eternal.
Jesus said this, "whoever acknowledges me before man,
He will acknowledge before the Father in heaven.
Whoever disowns me, I disown Him to the Father."
Those words are written in red, so they're important.
Amy: And that's it?
Willie: That's it, that's what we're going with. Pretty simple, ain't it.
Amy: Thanks for your time.
Willie: Come on. Let's go do some acknowledging.
Korie: A'right.
Willie: Your welcome to join us.
Amy: No, thanks. I'm good.
Willie: You're good? A'ight. Who was that lady?

Rev Dave: Check out Matthew 10:32 and 33.
Josh: That's it? that's all?
Rev Dave: Yeah.
Josh: Just, ah, a scriptural citation?
Rev Dave: If you're still undecided after that one look at Luke 12:48.
Josh: It can't be that simple.
Rev Dave: Sure, it can.
You're here because that's still small voice inside you
isn't happy with the choices everyone else wants you to make.
Personally I think it's the Holy Spirit talkin' to you
that's how you interacts with us, if you will allow Him to.
All you have to do is decide whether not you're willing to listen.
It's not easy, but it's simple.

[Txt msg:]
Josh: I'm going to give this a shot. What now?
Rev Dave: Don't try to be clever. Be content to tell the truth.

Rev Jude: You know some of the most important work
that we do may seem meaningless, to us.
David: That's comin' from the missionary who'd literally,
is in the trench, has winning hearts for the Lord on a daily basis.
Rev Jude: David, God has you exactly where He wants it.
He whose faithful in a very little thing is also faithful in  much.
God knows you're doin' the work. It's all part of His grand design.

David: Sometimes you don't make any sense.
Rev Jude: Sometimes you make too much.
Just remember, God is good...
David: All the time.
Rev Jude: And all the time...
David: God is good.

To the wrong person, you'll never, you'll never have any worth.
But to the right person, you mean everything.
- Rev Dave

"Natura non facit saltum."
"Nature does not jump."

Genesis 1:20 "And God said,
"Let the water teem with living creatures,
and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky.
So God created the great creatures of the sea
and every living and moving thing with which the water teems,
according to its kind. And God saw that it was good..."

Rev Dave: Are you... Have you red, ah, the Apostle Paul?
Ayisha: [Nods]
Rev Dave: He said, "I know what it is to have little,
and I know what it is to have plenty."
In any and all circumstance.
I have learned the secret of being well-fed and of being hungry.
Of having plenty, and of being in need.
I can do all things through Christ...
(Ayisha) who strengthens me.
Rev Dave: Right. You're not alone, Ayisha.
You're gonna be okay.

Fyodor Dostoevsky:
"If God does NOT exist..."
"...then everything is PERMISSIBLE"
- Josh

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