Movie Quotes: My Fake Fiancé

Not another wedding.
Sure, they can be lovely but when you're single girl,
and most of your friends are married,
let's just say, goin' to weddings can be treacherous.
- Jennifer

Moving is the biggest drug there is...
- Jennifer

You know what they say, "it pays to get married."
- Sales Clerk

Jennifer: Hello?
Vince: Honey, I'm home.
Jennifer: Did you leaved something here, like your pride?!
Vince: Just let me in.
Jennifer: I'm in my pajamas.
Vince: Oooh... excitin'.
Just let me in or I'm calling off the wedding.

I'm sentimental but I'm not stupid.
- The Monkey

Giving, gives you joy.
- Jennifer

Honey, remember our mantra?
Nice food, more seats.
- Vince

Seriously? He has ab masses I didn't know existed.
- Jennifer

What the heck, man?
You'll gonna leave without saying goodbye?
After all we've been through? Come on!
- Vince

Jennifer: Are you okay?
Vince: I will be.

Reverend: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here
to join this man and this woman in the sacred bonds of holy matrimony.
I've had the chance to spend time with Jennifer and Vince,
and their unusually strong feelings for one another are - quite apparent.
I've done this job long enough to know
when a couple is getting married, for the wrong reasons.
Some, they're in love with an idealized version of the person they are marrying.
Others, know that they're simply too old to be single anymore.
And some, well some just want all the gifts.
Vince: That's ridiculous.
Reverend: But what they don't realize is that
marriage is a journey, a wonderful, exciting, 
and at times excruciating journey.
Am I right?
Crowd: Yes.

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