Movie Quotes: The Fault In Our Stars

I believe we have a choice in this world.
About how to tell sad stories.
On the one hand,
you can sugarcoat it
the way they do in movies 
and romance novels
(obscure) beautiful people,
(obscure) beautiful lessons
On (obscure) too messed up
that can't be fix with an apology
and appeared Gabrielle song
I like that version as much as the next girl does
believe me, it's just not the truth.
This is the truth... sorry.
- Hazel

Depression is not a side effect of cancer.
It's a side effect of dyin'..
which is wha' was happenin' to me.
- Hazel

"Pain demands to be felt."
- Book, An Imperial Affliction

Dr. Maria: Support groups can be a great way 
for you to connect with people who are...
Hazel: Who are.. what?
Dr. Maria: On the same journey.
Hazel: Journey? Really!
Dr. Maria: Give it a chance,
who knows you might even find it enlightening.

Patrick: And how are you feelin', 'Gus?
Augustus: Am grand, yeah.
I'm on a roller coaster that only goes up, my friend.

I enjoy looking at beautiful people.
- Augustus

..not bein' able to breathe sucks! 
It totally sucks!
- Hazel

"If you want the Rainbow
You have to deal with the Rain."
- Wall decor

That's the thing about pain
it demands to be felt.
- Augustus

It's a metaphor.
See, you put the thing that does the killin' 
right between your teeth
but you never give it a power to kill you - a metaphor.
- Augustus

The author. 
His name is Peter Van Houten.
He is the only person I've ever come across in my life, who:
a) understands what it's like to be dyin'; but
b) hasn't actually died
- Hazel

Hazel: Is it really 1 a.m.?
Augustus: Is it? Yeah, I guess it is.
Hazel: I should probably go to sleep.
Augustus: Okay.
Hazel: Okay.
Augustus: Okay.
Hazel: Okay.
Augustus: Perhaps, okay will be our always.
Hazel: Okay.

This silence is deafening.
- Augustus' text

Augustus: Hazel, I'm just sayin'.
I wouldn't mind.
It'd be a privilege to have my heart broken by you.
Hazel, am...
Hazel: 'Gus, I'm a grenade.
One day I'mna explode.
and may obliterate everything in my wake
and.. I don't know, I just,
I feel like it's my responsibility to minimize casualties.
Augustus: You're grenade.
Hazel: And that's why I don't have a hamster.

I want this dragon carrot risotto to become a person
so that I can take it to Vegas and marry it.
- Augustus

Fietsen, dansen, fluiten,
de wereld inkijken,
me jong voelen,
weten dat ik vrij hen,
daar snak ik naar.
24 december 1943

I long to ride a bike,
dance, whistle,
look at the world,
feel young and
know that I'm free.
24 December 1943
- Scribbed on the wall

At such moment
I can't think about the misery
but about the beauty that still remains.
Try to recapture the happiness with anew self.
Think of all the beauty in everything around you
and be happy.
- Anne Frank (voice)

Hazel: It's so unfair!
Augustus: Apparently the world is not a wish-granting factory.

Losing you? That is gonna hurt like hell!
But you of all people know it's possible, to live with pain.
You just do it.
- Hazel's mom

Augustus: You know, I was thought I would be a hero.
I was thought of a grand story to tell.
And I was gonna published, all papers.
I mean, I was supposed to be special.
Hazel: You are special.
Augustus: Yeah, I know but.. you know what I mean.
Hazel: I do know what you mean.
I just don't agree with you.
You has obsession you have, do you remembered?
Augustus: Don't get mad.
Hazel: I am mad! I'm mad because I think you're special.
Is that not enough?!
You think that the only way to live a meaningful life
is for everyone to remember you.
for everyone to love you.
Guess what, 'Gus? This is your life!
Hey, this is all you get!
You get me and you get your family.
And you get this world and that's it.
And if that's not enough for you,
then, I'm sorry but it's nothing!
Because I love you.. and I'm gonna remember you.
Augustus: I'm sorry. All right?
Hazel: I just wish you'd be happy with that.

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