Movie Quotes: 5 Flights Up

The shades, all have to be up.
Light is money. Remember that.
- Lily

When you're trying to sell
you don't want any clutter.
Less is more.
- Lily

You know artist,
too much practicality overwhelms them.
- Ruth

Neighborhood's changin' our live.
It's cool now.
Feelin' we're hipsters and gentrify us.
- Charles

Ruth: Thought you're watching the news, honey.
Alex: Nothin' new about it.
It's all the same old stuff, over and over.
Ruth: I know, but I think,
people feels safer when they hear things.

Everybody is a critic.
- Alex

Alex: Ruth, you got to learn to stop worrying.
Ruth: But I'd like to worry, it makes me calm.

Ruth: I'm sorry, Jackson.
I don't know are we talkin' 'bout sellin' art or sellin' stuff?
Jackson: Don't shoot the messenger.
Ruth: No, because artists really don't paint to satisfy, the market.
You see what I mean?
Artist actually paint to satisfy themselves
and if you're going to run a gallery.
You know, it somethin' you need to know.

Zoe: I hope you find a place you like.
Alex: So do I. And when we do, I'm going to invite you to tea.
How is that?
Zoe: Cool.

Nowhere is goin' to have a view like now a place.
But maybe Ruth and I have seen all the views we need to.
Maybe views for younger people
who still have things to look at.
- Alex

What's it look like I'm doin', Lily.
I'm putting end to this b*ll sh*t.
All day long we've been pulled back and forth, back and forth.
only to come up here, and here,
these two accuses us about I don't know what!
- Alex

You know, when one door closes
another door opens.
- Lily

Alex: I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
But seeing that young man
kneelin' on a ground like that
just made me realize that
we' just like everybody else today.
Gettin' up all worked up over nothin'
Ruth: Yeah.
Alex: Why are we movin'? Huh?
What are we chasin'?
Haven't we built a good life?

Lily: What do you mean?
I, I, I've got solid offers.
I can get you better ones.
You can't back out now.
Alex: Lily, we can do whatever the h*ll we want.

It took a while for Dorothy to get back on her feet.
But, other time went to fit in
she and I had return to our usual routine.
- Alex

Ruth: Why are you still painting this old lady?
Alex: What old lady?
Ruth: Ooh, good answer.

Those few days were like one big roller coaster ride.
And like most rides, we ended up where we begin.
Still, it reminded us who we are. What we have.
It was worth it, if only for then.
Maybe one day we'll sailin'.
Stop climbin' the stairs.
But for now will just deal with what is.
The important thing is, it brought us back here, together.
Back to our senses, and to our home.
- Alex

1 comment:

Avi said...

GR8 collection. Loved the movie too. Thank you.