Movie Quotes: Tracks

"The trip wasn't conceived as an adventure
in the sense of something to be proved
or conquered. And when people asked me
why I'm doing it, my usual answer is,
why not."

"I'd always been drawn
to the purity of the desert.
Its hot wind and wide open spaces."

"But mainly, I was bored of life in the city.
With its repetations, my half finished,
half-hearted attempts at jobs
and various studies."

"And I was sick of carrying around
the self indulgent negativity
that was so much the malaise of
my generation, my sex, and my class."

"The decision to act was in itself.
The beginning of the journey."

"I believe, when you've been stuck
too long, in one spot
it's best to throw a grenade
where you're standing and jump..
and pray."
- Robyn

I just wanna be by myself.
- Robyn

I'm well aware of the hardship I will be facing
and the first to admit I am remarkably
unqualified for such a (obscure) to taking
but this is precise at the point of my journey
I'd like to think an ordinary person
as capable of anything.
- Robyn

Could have been worse,
we could have been in a small plane,
flying through a typhoon.
That's something you don't want to experience.
- Rick

I know he helped me get the money,
but he doesn't understand
that he's part of the problem.
He's a nice person,
but I don't want him and
his cameras and his hopeless romantic notions...
along with my trip, you know?
I can deal with pigs really easily
but nice people confound me.
You know, how can you tell a nice person...
that you just wish they'd crawl into a hole
and die? Sorry.
Its been a while since I've had anybody to talk to.
- Robyn

Yeah. Words are overrated.
- Glendall

Robyn: Yeah. I prefer to do this stretch on my own.
Rick: Yeah, but its better do this stretch with company.
Robyn: No, I'll be fine.
You'll be 2 months travellin' in a dead 
straight track through empty desert.
It's lucky to get six car (obscure)
Robyn: I'll be fine.
Rick: Would it make any difference if I told you, 
I didn't want you to go alone?
Robyn: What do you think?
Rick: I think you have a problem with people.

Robyn: It doesn't matter anyway.
Rick: What doesn't matter?
Robyn: This trip. I never should have started it.

Robyn: Rick? I'm so alone.
Rick: We all are.
Robyn: I miss her so much.

Robyn: I've been thinking...
Rick: Yeah?
Robyn: I wanna finish what I started.

"Camel trips do not begin or end, they merely change form."
- Robyn Davidson 
(Camel lady)

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