Movie Quote: Bring It On Again

Whittier: This is terrible.
Monica: What do you mean terrible?
They're perfect!
Whittier: I know.
That's.. what's terrible.
They are perfect.

He did smile at me.
But I can't lose my concentration.
I've really got to focus on tomorrow.
I got to work on my cheer moves.
Hit it, girl.
- Whittier

Before we begin,
I want you to know that
just by trying out today
you're already a winner.
Unless, of course, you get cut.
In which case, technically you're a loser.
- Tina

You two b*tches can catfight all night,
but I'm the one that makes decisions here..
until I do, you're dismissed.
- Tina

Tina: Whittier might have what it takes, but shes awfully raw.
Dean Sebastian: That, dear, is why you must mold her.
Shape her. Twist her like a Silly Putty.

Dean Sebastian: Remember the school motto...
Tina: Whatever it takes.
Dean Sebastian: I can't hear you.
Tina: Whatever it takes!

It's all a question of how bad you really want it.
- Tina

Whittier: Monica, if you wanna be the bomb diggity
you've got to act like the bomb diggity,
and Tina is the bomb diggity!
Monica: Did she just say, "bomb diggity", three times in one sentence?

Dear Lord,
Help us kick almighty ass today
in our debut as a spirit squad.
Help us to perform the double back handspring
into a back tuck as majestically..
as your only son Jesus would.
This is a big sporting event for us.
Guide us in leading this team to victory.
Bring it in!

You know what?
If there's one thing I'm good at in this world...
it's sucking. I'm in!
- Cheerleader

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