Movie Quotes: JOY

Everybody starts out with 
some kind of dream 
of what life will be.

Some people love to make things.
They have the patience and the focus
to figure it out with their hands.
Joy was one of those people
who rejoiced in making things.
- Mimi

Peggy: You need a handsome prince,
that's what you need: a prince.
Joy: No, I don't need a prince. 
This is a special power. 
I don't need a prince.

Honey, listen.
I know life hasn't gone as we
discussed many times, sweetheart,
and you don't exactly have
your whole life ahead of you,
but you still have 
good portion of it anyway.
"Hope springs eternal."
- Mimi

How can I be expected
to remember everything?
- Danica 

Hey, please, don't make me tense,
don't stress me out.
I gotta stay nice and loose.
- Rudy

All the things we
used to dream about?
I feel like things keep getting
farther and farther away.
- Joy

You can't let the
practical get you down.
You gotta keep going...
do what you love.
- Tony

Maybe your dreams are on hold right now.
- Tony

Joy: I don't wanna go to sleep,
I don't wanna have that horrible dream.
Rudy: C'mon, you can't have the
same dream twice, it never happens.
It's impossible.

Seventeen years... think about it. 
We've been hiding... for 17 years.
Seventeen years... we used to make things.
Seventeen years ago... 
and that all stopped!
What happened?
When you're hiding, you're safe,
because people can't see you.
But funny thing about hiding...
you're even hidden from yourself.
- Young Joy (Dream)

Christie: What's a patent?
Joy: A patent is like a law that
you get to protect your idea.
A lot of people patent their ideas, 
but only a FEW of them actually 
get their ideas made.

I choose very carefully
and very conservatively.
I spend most of my day deflecting
incoming shots from people like yourself.
- Neil

A very smart guy once said:
You tell somebody something once,
they don't listen,
you tell somebody four (4) times,
they don't listen,
by the 9th time you say it,
they begin to hear you.
- Neil

Joy: I'd like to change just one thing.
Would you mind?
Neil: Okay, surprise me.
Joy: Small thing.
I'll surprise you.
Neil: Okay, surprise me.
I want the small thing 
that she changes. What!
You un-did the whole thing.
Joy: This is me.
Neil: This is you?
You've got the exact same outfit
you had when you came in here.
Joy: I wear a blouse and I wear
pants, that's who I am.
I wanna go on as me.
Neil: You wanna go on as you,
Ah, ho, I hope you make it back.

Joy: It just seems so wrong.
We've worked so hard.
We've come so far for us to just
give up now, it just seems so unfair!

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