Movie Quotes: Me Before You

Patrick: You've just gotta get back out there.
Think what you wanna do.
Estate agent, maybe.
Shop assistant. Catering.
Louisa: Ah, do we have to discuss this again?
Patrick: Well, you can't just mope around.
All the best entrepreneurs,
they fight their way back from rock bottom.
Just look at me.
Louisa: Uh, well I'm not you, Pat.
I toast the tea cakes.
Can't you slow down?
I'm wearing the wrong bra.
Patrick: I'm just saying.
Put on a smile and
head back to the job center.
And do not worry about the holiday.
I'll pay.

Sayeed: I'm running out of options for you, Louisa.
Louisa: Sayeed, please! I'll take anything!

They're desperate.
And there's nothing on here about needing skills.
it's perfect for you.
- Sayeed

Louisa: What am I here for?
Nathan: To cheer him up, I guess.

You know, you can only help someone
who actually wants to be helped.
- Alicia

William: You really don't enjoy sarcasm, do you?
Louisa: sarcasm is fine.
I just don't like superiority.
William: You must hate me, then.
Louisa: I've never hated anyone.

William: Do you know what I see when I look at you?
Louisa: Do not say potential.
William: Potential.
You have to widen your horizons, Clark.
You only get one life.
And it is actually your duty to live it as fully
as possible.
Louisa: Well you, you need a shave.

Some choices you don't get to make!
- Louisa's mom

Louisa's dad: You can't change who people are.
Louisa: Then, what can you do?
Louisa's dad: You love them.

Live boldly, Clark.
Push yourself. Don't settle.
Wear those stripy legs with pride.
Knowing you still have possibilities.
is a luxury...
With your sweet smile
and your ridiculous clothes.
And your bad jokes.
and your complete inability
to ever hide a single thing you felt.
Don't think of me too often.
I don't want you getting sad.
Just live well.
Just live.
I'll be walking beside you every step of the way.
Love, Will  

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