Movie Quotes: Ask Me Anything

When I decided
at the last minute
to take a year off
before college
I told my mom
that was because I had no idea
what I wanna to do with my life.
She pretended she didn't wanna strangle me.
- Katie

Caroline: Sweetie,
that's the whole point of college..
is to figure out what you wanna to do..
to find out what you're good at.
to discover your bliss.
Katie: But what if I don't discover
until junior year?
and has nothing to do with the classes
I've already taken?
I'd have to start over.
Or what if my bliss is something
I don't even need college for?

Ms. Matsuo: I'm not gonna lie to you, Katie.
I'm concerned.
Katie: Why? Tons of kids defer.
Ms. Matsuo: You're not tons of kids.
You're one complicated girl.
Who's been through a lot.
You need structure.
Katie: Are you saying that college
is the only place
that I can get structure?
Because if so, Ms. Matsuo...
Ms. Matsuo: Katie..
Katie: I'm serious!
Ms. Matsuo: Here's something..
Why don't you start a.. diary...
Or a blog?
Katie: Why?
Ms. Matsuo: It's a daily time commitment.
It'll keep your verbal skills sharp
and it'll force you to be introspective.
Katie: What a wonderful idea.

Glenn: Dr. Samuel Johnson wrote the first
great English dictionary.
Katie: Is he your hero?
Glenn: Among many.
Are you a lover of books?
Katie: I could be.

Glenn: I can't imagine life
without great books.
It's as close to the angels as I get.
Katie: What do you mean?
Glenn: Well, for me,
reading is a transcendent experience.
Katie: Hmm.. What it does mean exactly?
Glenn: What, transcendence?
It means beyond the physical realm.
It's a spiritual experience.
I get it from great literature.
Great paintings.
Classical music.
All the arts.
Katie: What about classical art films?
Like Fellini or Bunuel?
Glenn: Sure.
Katie: Cool.

Paul: I can't believed how okay you seem.
Katie: He had cirrhosis for a long time.
I knew he was going to die.
'was pretty much prepared for it.
Paul: Arrogance of youth.
Katie: Don't say that.
Paul: No. No, I mean it as a compliment.
An ironic one.
If young people weren't so arrogant
they really be in trouble.
Katie: What do you mean?
Paul: Look, life kicks your ass
If young people knew it
they'd crawl in the basement
to crack pipe and never come out.
Wouldn't take risks
or fight for lost causes
or even start a career.
Why bother, right?

You think you're okay with your dad's death?
Not a chance.
Won't even hit you that he's really gone
until in your 30's,
which happens to be
most difficult decade of life.
That's when the sh*t really hits the fun.
- Paul

Paul: "Dear Miss Kampenfelt,
since you expressed the desire today
to learn more about adult life,
here are 10 bitter truths
for your reading pleasure.
1. Complete honesty is a complete lie.
2. Marriage is sacred only to those
who have never been married.
3. Money is more integral to happiness
than romantic love.
Katie: 4. Every human being is a contradiction.
Some hide it better than others.
5. Never underestimate
the tendency of human beings
to act contrary to their own best interests.
6. Were it not for the fear of getting caught
most of us would behave like savages.
7. All sex has consequences,
most of them, dire.
Joel: - The older you get,
the faster time flies
until months pass like days.
- There's no such thing
as living happily ever after.
- Everything gets worse.

Katie: ...I've sort of been writing.
I thought you'd be proud that I have a blog.
Glenn: I like that it's creative
and that it's verbal.
What I don't like is
that it's public.
Your generation is addicted to attention.
Katie: I know.
It's like we all wanna be famous,
even though we're not good at anything.
Glenn: Precisely.

"Can I do it?
Just live without
describing everything I do?
Can I cancel my reality show
and become a better person?
Do human beings ever dream
a whole new life
and make it come true?
Or do they always go back
to the way they were?
I guess there's only one way
to find out.
Say goodbye to all of you
and just live.
Really live."
- Katie

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