Movie Quotes: Wonder

My mom always said,
"if you don't like where you are
just picture where you wanna be."
- Auggie

Precepts can help motivate us.
They can help guide us
when we have to make decisions
about really important things.
- Mr. Browne

Precepts also can tell us a lot about ourselves.
Who is it that I aspire to be?
That is the question
that we should be asking ourselves
all the time.
What kind of person am I?
- Mr. Browne

Mr. Browne's September Precept
"When given the choice between
being right or being kind.
Choose kind."

Can you hear me?
It's a stare.
Let them stare.
You can't blend in
when you are born to stand out.
- Via

'kay, everybody.
If you can't see the camera
the camera can't see you.
now, let's improv like
we know what we're doing.
Okay, everybody say, "Stella!"
- Via's teacher

Sometimes, it's nice to hide a little.
- Justin

New precept.
"Your deeds are your monuments."
- Mr. Browne

Jack: Dear Mr. Tushman,
I'm very sorry
for punching Julian.
It was wrong of me to do that.
I know you may need
to expel me,
but I'd still rather not say
why I did what I did.
It might get Julian
in trouble, too,
and that's not fair.
Sincerely, Jack Will.
Mr. Tushman: Dear Mr. Will,
one thing I've learned
in 20 years in education
is that there are two sides
to every story.
So, I think I can imagine
what started the fight.
While nothing justifies
striking another student
I know good friends
are worth defending.
So, after your
2-day suspension
your scholarship
will be waiting for you.
Just keep up the good work.
And keep being the fine boy
we all know you to be.
Sincerely, Mr. Tushman.

Auggie, not everything in the world
is about you.
- Via

Walking up towards that stage,
I felt like I was floating.
My heart was beating so fast.
I didn't really understand
why I was getting a medal.
It's not like I blew up the Death Star.
All I did was get through fifth grade,
just like everyone else here.

Then again,
maybe that's kind of the point.
Maybe the truth is,
I'm really not so ordinary.
Maybe if we knew
what other people were thinking
we'd know that
no one's ordinary.
And we all deserve
a standing ovation
at least once in our lives.

My friends do.
My teachers do.
My sister does
for always being there for me.
My dad does
for always making us laugh.
And my mom does the most.
For never giving up.
On anything.
Especially, me.

It's like that last precept
Mr. Browne gave us.
"Be kind, for everyone
is fighting a hard battle."
And if you really wanna see
what people are,
all you have to do... is look.
- Auggie

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