Movie Quotes: Listen to Your Heart

Music is a powerful thing,
and song could change your mood.
Make a memory.
One song could change
your whole life.
- Danny

Look man, I’m not gonna missed out
on something that could be great
just ‘cause it might also be hard.

You know, it depends on
the meaning of the word.
Sound.. is it mental or physical?
If we define it as purely physical
then it means that pattern of
vibrations is in the air.
But sound can also be mental.
In that case, it wouldn’t be define as vibrations
but how our mind interprets
the things we hear.
So, if you think
that sound is physical, then yes.
It made a sound,
but to you sound is mental,
then it didn’t.
- Ariana

You can do whatever you wanna do.

You know what I think?
I think you’re scared.
No, you are.
You’re scared.
Not of your mother or Mary Ann,
or anyone else.
You’re scared of yourself.
You’re scared to be yourself.
Life’s too short to waste time.
Living for someone else.

She’s old enough to make her own decisions.
If she wanted to be here, she would’ve.

Promise me that whatever happens,
you will see yourself before anyone else.

You know what he told me?
Is that he wasn’t gonna missed out
on something great
just ‘cause it might also be hard.
- Danny’s friend

Hey baby,
I’m so happy for you.
It’s the first day of your brand new life.
But don’t take life’s blessings for granted
the way most people do.
Go outside and hear the world.
It’s a beautiful place.
And it’s gonna lot to say.
Now you can hear it all.
Live a full life, Sam.
The life you choose.
It might seem like I’m gone, I’m not.
I’m just staying with my mom for a while.
But I’ll be there whenever you need me.
So love with all your heart
‘cause where there’s love,
you’ll find me.
Where there’s love,
you’ll hear my songs.
All you have to do is listen.
I love you, Sam. Always.
Love, Danny
- Danny’s letter

Music’s a powerful thing.
One song can change your mood.
Make a memory.
One song can change your whole life.
- Ariana

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